Sewer manhole cover is light duty round manhole cover,EN124 B125,thin manhole cover,save material,save money.
And the gasket inserted in the throat,which is in the supporting area,with this rubber waterproof seal,the manhole cover is watertight.
You can open the cover with specific handle to insert in the hole of the lock of the lid,lift up the lid.It is also anti theft.
The outside edge of the frame is the shape of channel,can provide an hydraulic manhole cover.
If it is filled with sand,tar or other materials,or the whole structure is hold in the cement or anchoring bolts in the holes around the frame,
the manhole frame and cover will insert into the materials steadily.
On surface of the lid has two dead holes,which allows the insertion of suitable hanles to lift the manhole cover.
It has long lift,more than 30 years,high abrasion,stability.
The criss-cross design with optimal slide safety.
Typical Applications---
Drain manhole cover
Drainage manhole cover
Water manhole cover
Sanitary manhole cover
Municipal manhole cover
Rain manhole cover